XR is a powerful tool being used to attract, engage, and retain customers as online commerce and bricks-and-mortar converge. Immersive technologies are being used by an increasing number of companies to build consumer engagement and enhance the customer experience. The combination of improved results on industry-specific tasks and enhanced communication with customers allows XR technologies to reach the heart of the insurer-customer relationship itself. These tools have the potential to change both the way insurers do business and the way customers experience the insurance relationship.
XR generates highly personalized engagement and user-generated content. It also helps uplift sales across the retail industry and increases the Click-Through Rate (CTR) while creating a relatively strong link between brand, product, and consumer. Providing innovative and immersive experiences, XR enhances customer engagement rate and Return-On-Ad Spend (ROAS).
XR can provide an outstanding personal experience. As this technology offers a sensory experience, it allows the customer to engage with a product much more effectively than they would be looking at an object on a shelf. It allows the customer to interact with the product by visualizing the real look and feel of the product making them more likely to connect with it.
XR technologies have the potential to enhance the entire customer relationship, from a customer’s first steps in researching needed coverage to claims handling. Insurers can deploy these technologies as needed to meet specific business goals. For example, during training, customer service representatives can interact with virtual policyholders to sharpen their communication skills.
AR in retail offers a lot of opportunities for businesses to increase customer satisfaction while reducing expenses. AR applications can help retailers boost sales, minimize returns, increase customer engagement, and more.
The retail industry is no stranger to VR. Immersive applications have been rendering in-store and digital shopping experiences fun and memorable, helping brands to stand out from the crowd and drive consumer loyalty.
With Mixed reality, retail marketers can visualize data in a 3D world to help adjust promotions based on customer demand. New hires can practice performing job duties in real-world situations without fear of making a costly mistake.
Business Case / Discovery / Brain Storming / Concept Validation
Requirements / Prioritize Insights / Define Timelines / Project Costs
Research & Strategy / Conceptual Design / Wireframe / Storyboard High Fidelity Design
3D Modeling / Prototyping App Development Integrations / APIs Testing
QA Testing / User Testing / Optimization Documentation & Knowledge Transfer
Training / Ready for Launch / Support / Sign-off